Do you wake up late in the morning? The risk of premature death is increased!


  Do you wake up late in the morning? The risk of premature death is increased!

Do you wake up late in the morning? The risk of premature death is increased!

People sleep late and struggle to wake up in the morning are more likely to die prematurely than those who wake up early in the morning.

Specifically, night owls have a risk of suffering an early death than early mature individuals, as revealed in a study involving approximately 433,000 people.

In addition to the risk of premature death, people who wake up later may develop a variety of mental and physical illnesses.

The authors of the paper stated that there should be more steps to make night birds aware of the problems they may have.

Why did the risk of premature death occur in people who wake up late? Scientists asked participants aged 38 to 73 years old they are in the morning, in the morning to a certain extent, in the evening to a certain extent or in the evening. The study, published in Chronobiology International, then analyzed the deaths of participants six years after

After adjusting for factors such as age, ethnicity, smoking, smoking, and smoking, Body mass index and socio-economic status, the researchers found reduce the risk of having a psychiatric disorder and reduce by 30% the risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. (1969009) (function (d, s, id) {%}, and other causes of diabetes and other gastrointestinal and neurological disorders,
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