Donald Trump accuses the FBI of spying illegally on his presidential campaign


US President Donald Trump said Sunday on Twitter that it seems more and more that US authorities have illegally spied his campaign for the 2016 presidential election, while the FBI was releasing documents on his former adviser.

Trump's message was published shortly after the FBI released several documents on Carter Page Saturday as part of an investigation into its possible collaboration with the Russian government to undermine the elections, reports Reuters.

Trump testified that these documents no doubt confirm that "the Department of Justice and the FBI misled the courts."

"It seems more and more that Trump's election campaign for the president has been spied on) illegally to the political advantage of Hillary Clinton and DNC (Democratic National Party Democratic Party)," the president they say in a message on Twitter

According to documents released Saturday, "the FBI believes that the Russian government's efforts are coordinated with Page and probably other individuals associated with the" Trump campaign. "

Page refused to work with Russia and has not yet been charged with a crime.

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