Donald Trump again criticizes NATO member countries just before the summit of the security organization


US President Donald Trump once again reminds NATO member states of their contributions to the security organization, recalling that the European Union has a trade surplus over the United States

" The United States spends more on NATO that any other country is neither fair nor acceptable. these countries have increased their contributions since we were invested, we have to
to do more, "said Trump in a post posted on Twitter.

"Germany is at 1%, the United States at 4%, and NATO benefits much more from Europe than in the United States," said the White House leader, citing Germany as the target of criticism.
it's about NATO.

"In addition, the European Union has a trade surplus of $ 151 million with the United States, with high US tariff barriers." NO, "added the US president.

NATO members pledged to allocate 2% of GDP to defense, a goal to be achieved by 2024.

Last year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel recalled that Berlin had gradually increased defense spending, stating that the goal of 2% of GDP would be achieved in 2024.

The United States occupies first place in defense spending, with a military budget higher than that of other member countries, equivalent to 3.61% of US GDP.

Donald Trump is scheduled to arrive in Brussels on Tuesday 11 and Sunday 12 July to attend the NATO Summit.

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