Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki


UPDATE 18.49: At the end of the press conference, Vladimir Putin gave Donald Trump a World Championship ball, joking that "Mr. President, now the ball is in

Trump thanked him for his gesture and gave his ball to his wife, Melania, saying that he would surely reach his son Baron

He also recalled that the United States will be the host of the Cup. World UPDATE 18.44: Asked by journalists he wanted Donald Trump to win the election and sent someone to help him, Vladimir Putin replied : "Yes, I wanted Trump to win the election because he promised to bring US-Russia relations to normal."

UPDATE 18.40: Donald Trump defended his decision arrange a meeting with Vlad the Imam Putin, although he was criticized on a large scale. " during the Cold War tensions, "the United States and Russia have managed to maintain a strong dialogue," he said, "but our relationship has never been worse than now, but that has some little changed. "There is nothing easier than to refuse to get involved," he added, adding that "to calm down the partisan critics, the media and the opposition," he added he prefers. take the risk. "As president, I will always put the best for America and the American people," Trump said.

UPDATE 18.27: President Trump spoke about the problems

He said that he and Vladimir Putin had discussed much of Russia's interference in the US elections. United and questioned him because he thought "this message Putin has been very firm on his position," said Trump.

The US President recalled that nuclear proliferation and expressed the certainty that Russia would also be involved in this issue.

Another topic was Islamic radicalism. Trump said the intelligence agencies of both countries will collaborate on this, recalling that last year the Americans warned the Russians of an imminent terrorist attack in St. Petersburg and the perpetrators were captured.

[19459004"NousavonsbienparléavecleprésidentTrumpetjesuissatisfaitdenotrediscussionnousn'avonspasrésolutouteslesraisonsdumalentendumaisnousavonsprisdesmesuresdanscesens"adéclaréVladimirPoutine[19659010]. Trump raised the issue of Russia's intervention in the 2016 elections and reiterated that his country "has not been involved and will not do it in the US home affairs". "We agreed to jointly review all documents related to cybersecurity," Putin said.

UPDATE 18.15: The first to make statements between the two leaders Vladimir Putin. The President of Russia said that "the tension between the two countries has no real basis, the cold war has long been behind, it is a matter of the past."

He added that "now we face new challenges, we need to make adjustments to find security mechanisms to fight terrorism and cross-border crime or to solve climate problems."

Kremlin leader said that during talks with his US counterpart, expressed a common desire to redress tensions between the two countries and return to a state of trust.

He added that both countries carry "a very special joint charge on nuclear weapons".

UPDATE 18.10: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin began a joint press conference. Shortly before the release of the two leaders, an American journalist was evacuated from the room as a result of a protest message against nuclear weapons. Vladimir Putin finished two hours later, and the two leaders went to lunch with their diplomatic teams.

The discussions between the two lasted much longer than planned in the program. Trump and Putin spent two hours in the Gothic hall, accompanied only by the translators.

UPDATE 14.00: "We have a lot to say … I think the world wants us to understand" Donald Trump said at the beginning of the meeting.

At the same time, the US President congratulated his counterpart at the World Football Championship.

UPDATE 13.00: The plane of Vladimir Putin landed in Helsinki, where Donald Trump is already Sunday evening

The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is held at the presidential palace in the capital of Finland in the room Goti that there will be only two presidents and interpreters.

The summit undeniably brings together the most powerful on the planet, at a time of geopolitical uncertainty due to the fact that Russia has become increasingly isolated in recent years, following the invasion of the world. Ukraine, the interference in the US elections, the attempt to cover its involvement in the attack of a Malaysian Airlines plane and the charges of a chemical attack in the United Kingdom [19659003] and has not been made public. But several statements were made about it, which is why one of the hot topics of the discussion – the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea by the forces Russian – was withdrawn.

In an interview with CBS News The US president said that during discussions with his Russian counterpart, the issue of the 12 Russians accused of cybercrime in the 2016 presidential election would be raised, but he "did not" did not think "to demand extradition.

The White House declares a number of national security issues will be discussed, while Finnish Sauli Niinisto says that he wants to talk about the security of the Baltic Sea, carbon emissions and the Council Presidency of the Arctic.

According to sources, Russia is ready to discuss with the United States allegations that it was involved in the US elections, "

" We are ready to discuss and prepare ourselves to assume reciprocal obligations of non-involvement in domestic affairs, "said the Russian news agency RIA, before the meeting between the two presidents.Russian source quoted by RIA

The source quoted also said that Moscow would propose a resumption of dialogue on strategic stability in the United States and would also like to discuss arms control issues and Syria and Iran at the meeting between Putin and Trump

After the discussions in the Gothic Hall, both and their teams will participate in a Finnish snack in the Mirror Hall, then Trump and Putin will hold a joint press conference


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