Donald Trump, criticized after meeting Vladimir Putin. "It's shameful"



  Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki
<! – Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki ->

President Donald Trump provoked criticism in the United States, including his own party, through his attitude at a meeting on Monday in Helsinki with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin,

Several Republican Senators and A former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) condemned the absence of any critical focus on Russia on behalf of Trump and the fact that he accepted Putin's refusals of interference of Moscow in the American elections. In addition, the US president said his country had behaved stupidly in its relations with Russia.

John Brennan, former director of the CIA suggested that the president be fired: "Donald Trump's show at the Helsinki press conference, is at the level of" serious crimes and the " 39 "misconduct" and exceeds it. "There was nothing to betray." Not only that Trump's comments were foolish, but he was totally in Putin's pocket. Republican patriots, where are you ???, he wrote on Twitter

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham made his point of view known through the same social network. "This is a missed opportunity by President Trump to firmly charge Russia with the interference of 2016 and send a strong warning on the upcoming elections." Trump's response will be considered by Russia as a sign of weakness and will create much " Another Republican Party Senator who is also represented by President Trump, said:" I would never have thought I would take the day that our American President will stand on the scene with the Russian President and blame the United States for the aggression of Russia. "

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The conclusions of the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump." I wanted Trump to win the elections "

At a joint press conference with Putin, we asked Trump if the fault of the bad bilateral relations was entirely Russia. "I think that the United States was bad, we were all stupid," he replied, before turning to his victory in the election 2016 presidential election: "I defeated Hillary Clinton slightly and we defeated him. I won the contest and it is shameful that he is even a little over. "

On the interference of Russia in the respective elections, investigated by an independent prosecutor and denounced by the US intelligence services, Trump said:" I do not see the reason for being Russia, President Putin was very firm and powerful in his contempt today. "His response came in the context where the special prosecutor Robert Mueller got earlier the indictment of 12 agents of the GRU, the spy service of the Russian army, for hacking the computers of Some Clinton election campaigners

Trump accused his country of a Twitter message, which also refers to Russia 's interference in the US elections: "Our relationship with Russia does not have any. has never been worse because of the many years of stupidity and stupidity on the part of USA and now, Witchcraft Arranged! The Russian Foreign Minister responded to this message: "We are in agreement."

Asked if Putin considers an opponent, Trump said: "In fact, I called him a competitor and he is a good competitor, and I think the term "is a compliment."

The conclusion of Republican Senator John McCain, a former US presidential candidate, is that the Helsinki Summit was "a tragic error ". "Not only has President Trump not told the truth about an opponent, but by speaking to the world on behalf of America, our president has failed to defend everything we are – a republic of the world. Free Men Dedicated to the Cause of Freedom, "

Republican Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives at the Washington Congress, pointed out that" there is no such thing. " 39, moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to the most fundamental ". The values ​​and ideals of our United States must remain focused on taking Russia and stopping her basic attacks on democracy. "Ryan warned that" Trump must realize that Russia is not our ally "and showed the belief that Moscow intervened in the US presidential election.






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