Donald Trump hopes to reach a "fair" trade deal with the European Union – International


US President Donald Trump said Wednesday at a meeting with the head of the European Commission Jean Claude-Juncker that he hoped to reach a fair deal with the European Union, according to Mediafax . and Jean-Claude Juncker met Wednesday evening at the White House

"I hope that something positive will happen" to the meeting, but "equal conditions" are needed for farmers and farmers. American producers, said Donald Trump, CBS News Quotes

"We want a fair deal, we are trying to get a fair deal and hope we find something, I want to have it. EU is a big beneficiary, so I think it can be good for everyone. " Donald Trump

In turn, Jean-Claude Juncker urged Donald Trump to work in commercial relations. "We must focus on reducing tariffs, not on increasing them, that's our task," said the president of the European Commission.

Donald Trump agreed. "If we had no tariffs, barriers or subsidies, the United States would be very happy," said the White House leader.

Donald Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the European Union. Limit Car Buying Europe

On Tuesday, Donald Trump suggested that the United States and the European Union should completely eliminate tariffs. "I hope Europeans can do that, we are ready, but they will not accept it!", Trump sent via Twitter

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