Donald Trump rejects Washington's harsh criticism


  Donald Trump rejects harsh criticism in Washington "title =" Donald Trump rejects harsh criticism in Washington "src =" "style = "" class = "responsive" />

<figcaption class= Donald Trump rejects Washington's harsh criticism

US President Donald Trump claims to have succeeded at the NATO summit and managed to raise additional funds, and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, was "even better."

"We had a tremendous meeting at NATO, they paid $ 33 billion more, and they would pay hundreds of billions of dollars in the future, thanks to me, because the Atlantic Alliance was weak. "

" Even though we had an extraordinary summit at NATO, to sum up, it's a good thing for Russia. "The press only writes that I was rude to the leaders, never mentioning the funds! I had an even better meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, unfortunately the story is like that – False News went crazy! ", Added Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump drew A harsh criticism for suggesting that he had greater confidence in Vladimir Putin than in US intelligence notes on Russian electoral interference. "I trust my intelligence, but I can tell you that President Putin has been extremely powerful in refusing accusations," Donald Trump said after meeting with the Kremlin leader.

Donald Trump must understand that "Russia is not our ally," responded one of the leaders of the Republican Party, Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Russia is responsible for "intense attempts to undermine democracy in the United States".

In the context of criticism, Donald Trump emphasized that he maintained "trust in his people" in the "intelligence services".

"The Helsinki meeting was a lost opportunity to hold Russia accountable for the 2016 election interference," commented another Republican leader, Senator Lindsey Graham.

Chuck Schumer Leader of the Democratic Group In the US Senate, Donald Trump's actions "helped to strengthen opponents, weakening the defense of the United States and its allies."

John Brennan, former director of the CIA, described "traitor" fool, "the statements of Donald Trump. "I am nothing but treacherous statements, not just foolish statements, it is totally under the control of Vladimir Putin." "Where are the republican patriots?", John Brennan transmitted via Twitter


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