Dozens of popular video games banned in Saudi Arabia after the death of two children


Dozens of popular video games, including "Grand Theft Auto V", "Assassins Creed 2" and "Witcher", were banned in Saudi Arabia after the deaths of two children, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The image of the article Dozens of popular video games banned in Saudi Arabia after the death of two children "id =" main_picture "src =" 1/1/4728/17358826/2 / photo-dhmb-3.jpg? Width = 560 "/>

Dozens of popular video games banned in Saudi Arabia after the death of two children

The body media director in Saudi Arabia announced that banned 47 video games for violation of the law without giving details [19659004] The measure was reportedly taken after two children committed suicide, being encouraged to do so in a game on the networks "The Hollywood Reporter."

However, the media regulator has not provided details on the alleged link between these suicides and video games [19659005] The "blue whale" game requires participants to run a series tasks that end with their suicide.

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