Dr. Braşov: "There have been cases of cancer diagnosed in very young women"


  Doctor Braşov:

Dr. Braşov Eugeniu Darii, supra-specialist in breast cancer surgery, explains how to treat breast cancer in Western countries, risk factors and myths related to this condition
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the world and in Romania. It is also the cancer that has seen the most important and important advances in the research and advancement of therapies. Its strong media coverage in recent years has led to faster diagnoses and, automatically, better survival rates for patients. However, our country has not followed this international trend – doctors detect extremely advanced cases and notions like self-examination or regular check are foreign to many Romanians

Lack of education
"The main problem in Romania is that a very large number – much more than in other western countries – women with breast cancer are at an advanced stage and very advanced. think it is a medical education problem that the population has. Still today, I saw a young patient of 49 years old who had advanced stage of the tumor, including all the breasts, with necrosis, with destruction, already in decay.And this is not the first one I see at this point.I asked her why she waited until that point. she came to a doctor and did not know, could not give me a clear answer. In the first stage, the chances of survival are even 95-98%. I have seen many patients in stages 3-4. Here we are talking about 20 to 56% chance of survival. " says Dr. Eugeniu Darii, head of the Onco Card Braşov Hospital, surrendered during a breast cancer surgery at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London

and in the camp medical
In addition to the lack of medical education, there is also a problem in the medical camp, doctors think of the new wave – there are no protocols well established in Romania and there There are not enough superspecialized surgeons, all the news about breast surgery
"We, the breast cancer surgeons in the country, are pioneers in this area, we go to outdoor conventions and we here we bring a consensus that we are applying here as a European country. For example, the last consensus on breast cancer was that of St. Louis. Gallen in 2017, which we are starting to implement here in Braşov. Then we noticed – both in Europe and in America – this over-specialization of general surgeons in general surgery is about 7 subdivisions (eg colorectal, hepatobiliary, endocrine, oncology, transplant surgery, surgery gastrointestinal upper and esophagus), emergency surgery) from which you can choose to make a scholarship and pass a European exam. My opinion is that in Romania, if you want to do a good surgery in the future, you need to specialize. You can not say that you are a good surgeon if you operate from the beard to the toe " adds surgeon Eugeniu Darii

Commission, not doctor alone
Young doctors are very inspired by their experiences We liked the complexity of each case of breast cancer, I was impressed by the number of specialists involved in the treatment. a patient with breast cancer, all gathered in special oncology committees that met weekly – surgeon, plastic surgeon, oncologist, imaging expert, radiation therapist, pathologist, geneticist, family planning specialist, help with breast cancer, breastfeeding call him. By the time the patient came to the surgery, he came 5-6 times to the hospital for various consultations, interviews, including a non-stop phone, a direct line of assistance, and could always ask questions. This is what I try to bring to the new surgery service of Onco Card Hospital Braşov, which I started to build: the discussion of the oncological commission, collaboration with a plastic surgeon, beautician for breast reconstruction, informative brochures adapted to Romania, to provide patients and the concept of One Stop Clinic – diagnosis, imaging, biopic puncture with histopathological examination, discussion of the case in oncology committee, chemotherapy, sentinel lymph node biopsy (according to well-established guidelines), radiotherapy – all in one place "Being a woman and getting older – this in itself increases the risk of breast cancer"
"In Regarding Breast Cancer Risk Factors, "Being a Woman and Getting Older – This in itself increases the risk of breast cancer ," says Dr. Darii, a member of Soc European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO). "Then studies mention smoking, lack of breastfeeding, the first pregnancy after 30 years, obesity, the use of hormonal contraception for a long time, l '[[[[[1945hormonereplacementtherapyaftermenopausethefirstmenstrualperiodbeforeage12" [19659003] Myth of the shot
An extremely common myth among patients is that breastfeeding leads to cancer. What does the doctor think of this statement? "There is no direct link between a stroke and cancer, just when a woman hits her breast, she goes to the controls and takes a closer look, then the cancer is detected. at the breast exam, attention prompted by the incident, led to the discovery of problems that already existed.I have had many patients who have told me since I got banged, but not the trauma that leads to cancer, but more care and careful palpation after stroke can save lives – hitting, detecting cancer (19659006) The specialist in mammary surgery in oncology confirms a current trend in international statistics – increase in cancer cases diagnosed in very young women
"I tell you and why. Now – in the last 10 years since we have mobile phones, where wireless – we still do not know what effects they have on the body, we'll see them in 10-20 years on us and our children. The same is with what we eat because today we can not say that we know what we eat. Everything resuscitates on our body and, with increasing lifespan, mutations appear in our genetic code. How to make children in old age increases the risk of transmitting mutations to children – mutations occur with age and give offspring, and with them we give them the same cancer, the same systemic diseases , congenital malformations. "
low-age patients diagnosed – cancer rejuvenation, but on the other hand, the number of investigative methods has increased and the diagnostic part has progressed significantly in recent years, which may explain the 39, increase in the number of cancers in general,
"Young cases impress me and patients with children, I always think how brave they are", confesses the surgeon Eugeniu Darii [19659016] [ad_2]
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