Dragnea, on the rally of the Romanian diaspora: I will not stop them, there will be a million – Radio – TV


PSD President Liviu Dragnea said neither he nor the PSD forbid those who announced the organization on August 10, a gathering of Romanians from the diaspora to lead him to Well, but said that it would not be a gathering of a million people as transmitted, reports Agerpres.

"It will not be a millionth rally, but I do not think you've ever heard me try to prevent anyone from rallying or protesting. What I read, I understand whoever organizes the rally wants He is a former vice president of the Diaspora PSD, something like that, and when he was elected vice president, he said that he would run to introduce the diaspora to Romanians to how much the PSD was, but … they announced the rally, I do not stop them, the PSD does not stop them, "Liviu Dragnea said Sunday evening on Romanian television, asking what is his opinion on the rally announced on August 10th. one million Romanians from the diaspora should participate.

About the possibility of organizing another PSD rally, he said: "If we deem it necessary, we told it at the rally (the PSD rally on June 9 – nr) we are making big, serious rallies. "

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