Dragnea: The President is directly involved in my belief


PSD President Liviu Dragnea accuses the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, of being directly implicated in his conviction, saying that a secret service officer told him that " we have solved a judge, we are still working. " 19659002] Dragnea: The President is directly involved in my belief "id =" main_picture "src =" http://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv.ro/media/1/1/1687/17352726/1/dragneaiohannis.jpg?width = 560 "/>

Dragnea: The President is directly involved in my conviction

"Many of the words that he heard were original rumors, but gathering information, I tell you what Raluca Turcan and Ludovic Orban said to the people of the NLP and other parties: Raluca Turcan promised that if she arranged my conviction, she would guarantee that she gives to the government "The sentence was resolved, the government did not fall" , Liviu Dragnea confided to Antena 3.

When questioned he believes that the president is behind his conviction, Dragnea said: "Yes, it is my opinion, it is the second conviction without proof and totally innocent. We receive warnings, take care of the offshore law, knock, because you disturb and influence the decision of the judges, that the pressure is on the judges. This is an officer who told me that he was >. I do not give him his name, he is military, he is honored, and he does not want to cling to his heart to say that tomorrow can happen to him. "

He added that one judge withstood the pressure, but two did not do it.

" Right now, as many people as the courage will be, the more the country that will have a huge chance. Otherwise, we are happy, but things will come back worse than before. A dragon if not completely cut off and if the system is not reconfigured, things can not be solved. It remains the total variant – a new clean system, a country to operate according to democratic rules, which can be enjoyed, but that's the type of company we hired, "said Liviu Dragnea at Antena 3. [19659008] "" is prohibited from republishing the content of this site without the prior written consent of the user MEDIAFAX PARTY To obtain this agreement, please contact us at [email protected]



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