Drivers still have 30 km highway in Romania


Update. Lots 3 and 4 of the Sebes-Turda section were commissioned Monday evening. It was also inaugurated 30 km of highway in Romania. The highway was supposed to be ready in 2016, but the reception was not carried out due to construction problems.

The first cars that police allowed to access the two new sections of the highway Sebeş – Turda passed earlier than the scheduled time of opening traffic. Thus, after more than four years of waiting, from Monday 19:15, motorists will be able to drive on the two new sections of the A10 motorway.

Some impressions:

"Beautiful, good-looking, only to check, test, I came, I'm not sitting here, I'm in the United States," says a driver.

– Did you expect it to be open?

– No, honestly, no other driver is confessing. on the national road.

– Yes, yes, yes. Much better!

Another flower with which authorities on roads and highways want to make a source. I am in the first line of lots 3 and 4 of the Sebeş-Turda highway. It means not 30 kilometers of fast road. And those with chin – the highway should have been ready in 2016, but the reception was not made because of construction problems. There will be no quick inauguration: the authorities will simply release the movement from Monday evening.

A team of specialists CNAIR and the State Building Inspection has checked the newly built highway. East 28.8 km highway, divided into two lots, one from Aiud to Decea and the other from Decea to Turda . The lot crosses the Transylvanian highway and will be the alternative for DN1

Section 4, the link between Turda and Decea, was received for the first time It has 16 km and help drivers to avoid a dangerous part of the national highway 1.

The two new sections of the road, which is almost 30 kilometers long, help drivers halve the distance between Turda and Aiud [19659005] It has been more than a year and a half since the authorities put into service a motorway section, but the promises are great for the near future

"This year we have in lot 4 Lugoj-Deva, that we expect to receive, both lots on Transilvania Highway and we have 3.3 km from Highway 3 to be ensure the spill on the road Petricani in the capital. (…) The horizon completion is the end of this year and we rely on more than 60 km of new roads q They will be put into service, "says Alin Serbanescu, CNAIR spokesperson

. strips on the sense, plus tape emergency. The authorities have set up two car parks and a maintenance and coordination center. It should have been inaugurated since 2016, but the road company did not want to get the job because of manufacturers' mistakes

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highway sebes turda

highways romania



aiud decea

Dear Turda

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