Driving cars on the right, prohibited to registration


  Driving cars on the right heavier to record

Driving cars on the right, more difficult to register

The Ministry of Transport is preparing some amendments concerning the approval of cars, including the impossibility of approving right-hand drive cars, will no longer be registered.

Right-handed cars will soon no longer be registered, government ministers officials prepare a draft decree of the Minister of Transport for the modification and completion of regulations regarding individual approval, the issuance of the identity card and certification of the authenticity of road vehicles

right. "With the approval of these changes, cars coming from outside the European Union, if they have a driving right, do not receive approval," said the director General of RND, George Dinca, according to Capital.ro. the modifications made to the right-hand drive cars come into force in a month and a half

Article II of the law n ° 109/2018 modifying the governmental order 78/2000 relating to the approval, to the issue of the identity card and the certification of the authenticity of road vehicles for their marketing, registration or registration in Romania, published in the Official Journal of Romania. "Part I, No. 422 of May 17, 2018, provides that within 60 days after the coming into force of the Act, the Minister of Transport updates the Individual Approval, Issuance and Authorization Regulations. of the identity card and the authentication of vehicles – RNTR 7.

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