Dropbox announces the doubling of storage space for professional subscriptions


Recognizing the growing need for storage space, especially for professionals working with 4K video files and interactive presentations, Dropbox announced a doubling of available capacity with 2TB professional subscriptions.

storage space costing about $ 200 / year, Dropbox Professional subscriptions are the Dropbox Plus subscription version.

Similar increases have been announced for Business Standard subscriptions. Typically, paid directly by companies who choose to use Dropbox services, Business subscriptions are shared by multiple users, each of whom may have a dedicated partition to keep documents and access to shared storage. Teams that use Business Standard subscriptions (cost 110 euros / month per employee) automatically receive upgrades from 2TB to 3TB at no additional cost

With unlimited access to storage, Dropbox Business Advanced subscriptions do not receive Additional Benefits

Dropbox announces that new subscriptions are automatically applied to new customers, existing customers will gradually benefit from increased storage space and may be delayed for up to a few weeks

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