DSP Bihor warns: increased risk of acute mushroom intoxication


Rains accelerated the growth of spontaneous floral fungi in forests, and bihorian inspectors warn that although they are very healthy, some fungi can be poisonous and can cause fatal poisoning

"L & # 39 Acute poisoning with fungi is due to contained toxic substances, substances that enter the body by accident, through various mechanisms often related to the confusion between edible and inedible species.

While in Adult use in the diet of mushrooms harvested without a good knowledge of the different species, it is the most common route of intoxication, the child is bound to the several times the consumption of mushrooms with parents during common meals, as well as accidents related to unintended consumption ", reports Executive Director, Dr. Daniela Rahota

Intoxication rates differ according to the type of fungi consumed and occur at least 15 up to 12 hours or more, by ingestion, manifested by nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders, low blood pressure, hallucinations, nervous disorders, abundant salivation, watery eyes, abdominal pains, reduced pulsations, sweating. Severe hepatic-renal insufficiency, fatal progression, death, is established in severe forms

If any of these signs occurs, it is necessary to report immediately to the emergency primary units in hospitals or call the ambulance service

The public advises:

Consumption of cultivated mushrooms from approved establishments and / or accompanied by quality certificates, avoiding to buy them from paramedics, amateur collectors, strangers by the roadside

; Avoiding the collection / consumption of wildflower fungi (forests, pastures)

The lack of involvement of children in the mushroom collection

. Mushroom poisoning in children includes variable and unpredictable forms of severity

Poisonous mushrooms do not lose their toxicity when cooking! Mushroom toxins are very resistant to heat treatment and do not destroy.

The onion, garlic or parsley that turns out to be dark, the silver spoon, are not specific to the toxicity of fungi. It is also absolutely wrong to think that mushrooms that are eaten by insects are edible. For insects, the toxin may be harmless because of a metabolism different from that of humans

avoiding the conservation of spontaneous flora and / or unauthorized sources under domestic conditions

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