Ecaterina Andronescu: Dragnea go public and explain why she signed the SRI protocol and what it contains


"Mr. Dragnea must make public and explain what documents he signed and explain and why he signed them, because otherwise the message that he publicly communicates for a long time loses credibility, in my opinion. Party members, and I do not exaggerate when I say that, would like to be more efficient and people more satisfied.It is there that people are always frustrated, who think that things are not going like them. should, "said PSD Senator Ecaterina Andronescu on Saturday night at Realitatea TV.

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration said Thursday evening that a protocol of cooperation was signed between the Romanian Intelligence Service and the Ministry of European Integration in the field of Prevention and the Fight against Terrorism, revised in 2008.

"In 2012, the Minister at that time, Eduard Hellvig, signed a Protocol of Cooperation between the Romanian Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Regional Development and Development. Tourism on the creation of the thematic framework for the exchange of information via the Integrated Information System revised in 2014 and applied until now.

The institution states that these Protocols deal with the fight against terrorism and cyberattacks

The Ministry of Development also declares that these documents were published by the SRI and can not be made public, being submitted is to the Classified Information Act

. G4Media wrote that PSD leader Liviu Dragnea signed a secret protocol of collaboration with the Romanian intelligence service in 2014, while he was deputy prime minister and minister of regional development and public administration as revealed by an official response to a reader at the Ministry of Development, led by Paul Stănescu. The official response shows that four protocols with SRI were signed at the ministry: in 2007, 2008, 2012 and 2014.

Liviu Dragnea was Minister of Regional Development between December 21, 2012 and December 17, 2014. Dragnea said about SRI protocols which "constitute the written basis of a political police system".

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