Ecaterina Andronescu urges Liviu Dragnea to publicly declare what documents he signed with SRI and why


Senator PSD Ecaterina Andronescu urges Liviu Dragnea to tell the public what documents he has signed with SRI during his tenure as Minister of Development

The reaction comes after the ministry currently led by Vice -Prime Minister Paul Stanescu (PSD) officially confirmed Friday that such documents were initialed in 2014, then the PSD president, Liviu Dragnea, was the minister

" Mr. Dragnea must go public and explain what that these documents contain who signed them and explained why he signed them, because otherwise the message he has been transmitting for a long time loses public credibility, in my opinion. (…) All members of the party would like The government and the people are more effective to be more satisfied, there is always frustration among people who think that things are not going as they would have done ", said Realidad Ecaterina Andronescu aré

Accused to several voices of having links with "parallel state" that he is publicly criminalizing, Liviu Dragnea strongly criticized the protocols signed by the SRI in recent years with various institutions, requiring and obtaining their declassification, with only one

USR Deputy Lucian Stanciu Visiteu revealed that the ministry headed by Liviu Dragnea signed such protocols, requesting that the details be made public and that the president of the PSD provide explanations. This did not happen even though the official interpellation of the USR was made more than a month ago.


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