Eclipse July 13, 2018. Major effects


A partial solar eclipse will take place on Friday, July 13, 2018.

Eclipse July 13, 2018. The July 13, 2018 solar eclipse is the 12th partial eclipse of the 21st century.

Eclipse 13 July 2018. Thus, on July 13, at 5:47 in the morning, the sun and the moon meet in the Cancer Zodiac, in 21st grade, in conjunction with the Ascendant of the moment and in perfect opposition to the Pluto of Capricorn

Eclipse July 13, 2018. We will be overwhelmed by a wide range of experiences that will be handled with difficulty because they come from the deepest source of the subconscious, fed by past events, which can be seen from childhood. Family ties, relationships with parents, nostalgic memories occur at a time when retrograde Mars is in conjunction with the South Node

Eclipse This is the first of three eclipses beginning July 13th. The second will be a total eclipse of the moon on July 27th. The third will be another partial eclipse of the Sun on August 11th.

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