Effects of transfer of contributions: 1.2 million reduced wages and other 608,781 with risk of reduction


According to him, from the entry into force of the transfer of contributions, only half of the employers have made changes to individual employment contracts to offset the burden of social contributions, close to one year. quarter (24% of active employers) individual work contracts, "not even for a single contract."

The SNB reports that as of March 31, 2018, there were 2,196,895 full-time contracts with a minimum wage equal to the minimum wage, or 41.13% of the total full-time employment contracts. . the effect of the adoption of the Government Emergency Ordinance 79/2017 on January 1, 2018, Romania is the only state in the European Union where the security contributions social security for the pension and social insurance system are paid in full by the employees ". 19659002]

On the other hand, Dumitru Costin stated that the consolidated public budget, according to the 2018 convergence program, would lose 2.38 billion lei in 2018 as a result of the application of GEO 79/2017.

"The law 241/2005 on the fight against tax evasion remained in the same form, there is not even any legislative initiative in the sense of the president of the PSD. who together accounted for more than 50% of the stock of the social security budget debt continued to accumulate debt

The effects of GEO 79/2018 will continue to manifest themselves, in the short term the first targeted will be employees on medical leave, but also those who benefit from the exemption from income tax, for which we have transition periods that will end this year.The protection mechanisms created by the government are have been shown to be ineffective and have also caused more tension in the labor market ", some conclusions are summarized in the press release


We remind you that in November 2017, Ionuţ Mişa, then Minister of Public Finance said he had "the necessary responsibility to do the right thing" and that he would have said from the beginning if there was a risk that wages would fall.

In turn, Olguţa Vasilescu, Minister of Labor and Social Justice, said that he had not "made this transfer of contributions to raise wages". "We have only ensured that they will not fall," Vasilescu said.

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