Eight years after the death of Maddalena Manole. The family of the artist, on his grave


Saturday is eight years since the news of the murderous shock of Maddalena Manole shocked a whole country. The artist put her head on her birthday itself, leaving behind a lot of questions and questions

The day that Mana Manole was born and passed to the eternal, part of the father of the # 39, artist, Ion Manole and his brother, with some relatives and relatives who have not forgotten Mădălina went to the Bolovani cemetery in Ploieşti, where she sleeps the sleeping night "Girl with fiery hair."
They brought flowers The white and pink roses covered the slab that covered the tomb of Madolena Manole and white chrysanthemums and gladioli were placed on top of it

the situation is still Ion Manole, the father of the man. artist, who kissed her daughter's wardrobe and spoke to Madalina at the tomb.She did not forget her and, above all, she consumed neither the loss nor the decision of the authorities who concluded in the case of Mădălinei Manole, it was a suicide.

Petru Mircea and the son of Madalina, absent

The ex-husband of Madalina Manole, Petru Mircea and his son with the late artist, commemoration held at Ploiesti. Maddalena's father, Manole, has not even forgiven his ex-son-in-law, which he still considers guilty of penyru tragedies. Ion Manole says that he wishes that he wants his son to bring his mother to the tombstone "Where is he?" That I expected to see me, to speak, to reconcile myself, to least with the child, that the child had nothing.What is he afraid of? He is afraid of what he did because there is very clear laws Nobody kills happiness.Every man, when he has a cat, a puppy in the house, takes care of the dog.What did he do? "Are questions that Ion Manole puts and now, eight years after the death of his daughter.

He asked to give his former son-in-law, who accused him of involvement in the speccole held a few months ago in memory of Mădălinei

"When did the spectacle of Bucharest told you that it was a money show for the Manole family? Eight years ago What songs did he make to his wife who is here in the land? I have the power to make a show at the Palace Hall Only the whores are a lost man But anyway, they will all pay! Everyone will pay for the murder that happened here! said Ion Manole, on the grave of his daughter

He dreams that he says to her "It's like you"

Although time is said to solve everything, it's obvious to all who l & # 39; 39 listen to Ion Manole, that in his case the pain is as great as now, eight years after the death of the artist, and the old man did not even conspire with the solut given by the juvenile authorities who concluded Madalina's suicide.

At Madalina's eight-year memorial, Ion Manole tells him that he dreams to Mădăfectina and that in his dream he says to her: "It did not happen like we used to say. Is as you say. "

Ion Manole reaffirmed that she does not die "until she finds the truth" and accused the artist of her death of being "investigated by the protocols that you know". Ion Manole accused of "misinformation" and was not allowed to find details in the file in which the death of his daughter was the subject of an investigation and accused of being opposed to the reopening of the file.

Ion Manole and a shocking scenario about the future He said that he is still struggling to find the circumstances in which his daughter died

"When a television station has the courage to broadcast I am convinced that I will be pursued and I will be paid.Do not ever think of those who see me here that if I die, I will die as they say, I was drunk or whatever, because I'm not sure. I have not drunk for a long time, I am walking quietly in the street, I do not cross the road where I do not have to, but I am, like a news item, and at my door came a policeman in the civil service. I did not understand why and how many coincidences He called, I let go, and when I went out, the door was scared, it's true.It was taken by surprise, she does not find me, not to be, and when I asked him what the problem was, vapors, if I did not know they were tenants. "

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