Electric castle. Cornel Ilie polluted politicians: "We do not care what cats do!"


  Electric castle. Cornel Ilie polluted the politicians: Electric Castle. Cornel Ilie polluted politicians: "We do not care what cats do!"

Electric castle. Cornel Ilie, the singer of the Vunk band, took advantage of the Electric Castle 2018 festival concert to convey a message about the country he wants, urging the public to fight for an "offside" society. The musician has also described them as "bastards" to politicians.

Electric Castle Vunk sang in front of thousands of people who did not take the rain and mud into account, dancing and singing with artists. In the beginning of the famous song "I want a country like out", the soloist Cornel Ilie launched a civic appeal to those present at Electric Castle 2018, also referring to the political class.

Electric castle. "We are in a place like we are outside, we are with people, we are among those who believe that in our country we can live much more civilized, with much more respect and this is only for us, for people, these mortals on the street and pay taxes, and we do things for this country, and we make fun of what politicians do, "said the singer on stage, urging those who share his vision to sing with he writes the truth ro .

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