Emmanuel Macron puts his head in the scandal of the "bodyguard": "I am responsible"


In the case of Benalla, "I am in charge," French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday before the majority deputies, saying he considered the actions of his collaborator as a "treason", according to AFP, according to Agerpres. in.

"If they want a responsible person, it's up to you to come and get her." They respond to the French, "Macron told MPs and several members of the government.

According to a survey conducted Tuesday, 75% of French wish that President Emmanuel Macron breaks the silence and responds publicly to the case of the French. Alexander Benalla

"The exemplary Republic does not prevent mistakes, but if I look for a responsible person, I am the only person responsible, and it is I who gave the trust to Alexandra Benalla ", he said., while the two committees are the subject of an investigation in both chambers of the French Parliament

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"No one in my cabinet has ever been exempted from the laws of the Republic, ever", also assured Macron, according to an elected.

On the subject Benalla, the French president has also stated to have not forgotten "He was an activist very involved in the campaign," but he said his May Day actions were "deception and betrayal."

The Paris prosecutor's office announced Sunday Benalla's indictment for violence against protesters during May Day demonstrations, asking him to be allowed to help law enforcement in as an observer. With Benalla, four other suspects have been charged and placed under judicial control, including Vincent Crase, employee of the presidential party Republic En Marche! (LREM). The other three defendants are police officers who sent security cameras to Benalla; they had already been suspended for breach of professional secrecy.

Alexandre Benalla, a reserve gendarme, former member of the forces of the order under the mandate of the socialist president François Hollande, was dismissed for professional reasons. Subsequently, he was part of Macron's guard in the election campaign, and after his election victory, he became assistant to the chief of staff of the president.

Imprisoned after posting footage of demonstrators being beaten at an anti-government demonstration on May 1, Macron's close friend, Alexandre Benalla, was arrested on Friday as the presidency announced his dismissal in an attempt to suppress the scandal.

Present as an observer in the police during this demonstration, Alexander Benalla, equipped with a police cap, assaulted a young man and a young man. The French presidency learned the next day what happened and suspended Benalla for two weeks, but she did not know the law.

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Probably everything would be stopped here if the newspaper Le Monde had not published Wednesday the images that criminalized his collaborator Macron which provoked a wave of indignation.

Three investigations were opened: judicial, parliamentary and administrative.

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said Tuesday at a meeting of the National Assembly that the Benalla affair was an "individual drift", and not a "state affair" ".

Tuesday afternoon, the Inquiry Committee of the Assembly questioned a Prime Minister of the Elysee, the director of the cabinet of Emmanuel Macron, Patrick Strzoda. "I considered that I did not have enough elements to justify" the notification of justice, "he said.

The Secretary General of the Elysee Alexis Kohler, right-winger of the head of state, will answer Thursday Senate questions.

At the same time, the chairman of opposition group LR (bottom right), Christian Jacob, announced the presentation of a motion of censure to the government, perhaps next week, to explain it

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