Engie takes over a smart street lighting business of three entrepreneurs from Brasov


today, 00h07


Roxana Petrescu

Flashnet, a company specializing in intelligent lighting solutions, owned by three entrepreneurs in Brasov, was bought by the French from Engie, the largest gas distributor in Romania, at 60%

. Worldwide, Engie provides public lighting services in 500 cities that could become platforms for the implementation of solutions designed by the inhabitants of Brasov. At the same time, the transaction shows the transformation through which large utility groups are moving, as markets are liberalized, trying to expand their portfolio of services to maintain client portfolios

Both The parties concerned do not disclose the value of the transaction, but, according to data from the Ministry of Finance, Flashnet last year recorded a business of 3.2 million lei and losses of 4.3 million lei.

"The acquisition of Flashnet meets the Engie Group's goal of being a partner of cities and territories by offering energy management systems for smart cities and towns. utilities, "said Eric Stab, president and chief executive officer of Engie Romania, a company of more than a billion euros

.the most important solution in the portfolio Brasov's company is inteliLIGHT, which allows the adaptation of public lighting to the needs of a co ntext.

"The solution has already been implemented in several cities such as that Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Penang (Malaysia), Brasov, Craiova (Romania), Mecca, Riad (Saudi Arabia), Athens around the world, "said Engie.

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Article published in the paper edition of Ziarul Financiar of 05.07.2018

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