Erdogan accuses psychological warfare tactics and warns the United States that they will lose a strong ally


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would not be intimidated by the United States and would not take any step back from Washington's sanctions following the scandal over the detention of US citizens in Turkey [19659002] "(United States) can not bring Turkey to step back by sanctions," Erdogan said during a visit to Zambia before returning to Ankara, newspaper Turkish Daily

Erdogan's response comes after US President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the US Department of Defense have issued statements threatening Turkey with economic sanctions if they do not did not immediately release more American citizens arrested or arrested. do not give up the idea of ​​buying Russian missile defense systems.

"In my opinion (all these statements) are part of a psychological war Trud and Pence threatened Turkey on July 26, a day after US pastor Andrew Brunson was placed under house arrest after almost two years in prison for allegations However, US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said on July 27 that the United States and Turkey were "in good relations", giving examples of operations.

At the same time, the US Congress is preparing a law to block the transfer of F-35 fighter planes to Turkey if Ankara does not release US citizens or company employees American (19459005) Erdogan said that he would seek international arbitration if the sale of F-35 aircraft is blocked

"If it is wrong with that, we have an alternative e. We will continue with patience. But we must not forget that did not live in a world without alternatives ", said Turkish President

" If the United States does not change this attitude, do not forget "
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