Eugen Teodorovici announces that he has ordered checks from the Ministry of Finance and ANAF for the case of the Iohannis family – Radio-TV


The Minister of Public Finance, Eugen Teodorovici, said Sunday evening at Antena 3 that he had ordered checks in the subordinate institutions and ANAF to verify the application of the law in the case of the family Iohannis, writes Mediafax.

"We ordered a check at the ministry level and at ANAF level to see in the past how things went and why, I do not know if they were wrong. other options, why they did not follow to enforce the law and the second action that I took was that I asked the Department of Justice to check the notary's activity in Sibiu, "said Eugen Teodorovici. Antena 3, questioned about the measures taken by Klaus Iohannis's family home

He also said that the two measures could have been arranged for many years

"Be aware that there are already two actions who could be, by m in recent years, this letter to the registry, this application to the Ministry of Justice to check how the notary acted in 2016, "added Teodorovich.

He also indicated that it would be stated that (19659003) "I think it would be the best option (…) if a notary, that of Sibiu, would demand the demarcation for the state Romanian returns to the owner of the property .. to make the registrations in the land register, the state becomes owner, to close, ie in this way, and we close this discussion, "adds the minister finances.

Eugen Teodorovici also stated that the tax amnesty would apply to President Klaus Iohannis

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