Eurostat: Romania ranks 4th among the countries with the lowest public debt in the EU


Public debt of 34.4% of GDP ranks Romania 4th among countries with the lowest public financial liabilities in the first quarter of 2018, according to data released on Friday by the European Commission – Statistical Office. Eurostat

. ] Eurostat: Romania ranks 4th among the countries with the lowest public debt of the EU

Eurostat: Romania ranks 4th among the countries with the lowest public debt of the EU

The lowest public debt in 2018 was registered in Estonia (8.7%), Luxembourg (22.2%), Bulgaria (24.1%), followed by Romania with (34%). 4% of GDP) and Latvia (35, 8%) and on the opposite, with the largest public debt, states like Greece (180.4% of GDP), Italy (133.4%) and Portugal (126.4%) rank among the largest public debts

in the last quarter of 2017, the largest increases in the percentage of public debt were recorded in Belgium, where percentage increased by 2.9 percentage points (pp), Greece by 1.8 percentage points, Italy (1.6 percentage points), Slovenia (1.4 percentage points) and the Czech Republic of 1, 1 percentage point, the largest declines occurred in Latvia (-4.4 percentage points), Lithuania (-3.5 pp), Cyprus (-2.8 pp) and Sweden (-2 , 6 pp.)

Compared to the same period of the previous year, only Greece (2.7 percentage points) recorded an increase in the debt-to-GDP ratio at the end of the first quarter 2018 and 27 Member States have decreased. The largest decreases were recorded in Cyprus (-11.3 pp), Ireland (-6.5 percentage points), Croatia (-6.4 percentage points), Malta (-6, 2 pp.) And Slovenia (-5 At the end of the first quarter of 2018, public debt vis-à-vis the euro area (EA19) was 86.8%, compared to 86.7% in the end of the last quarter of 2017.

In the EU28, the ratio went from 81.6% to 81.5% and, compared to the first quarter of 2017, the ratio of public debt to GDP fell in the eurozone (from 89.2% to 86.8%) and the EU28 (from 83.6% to 81.5%).

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