Eurovision Song Contest 2018. The winner of the contest, the Israeli Netta Barzilai, risks disqualifying


The winner of Eurovision 2018, the Israeli singer Netta Barzilai, was accused of plagiarism by Universal Music in the case of the piece that he triumphed in the musical competition and the artist could be disqualified, according to

  The winner of the contest, the Israeli Netta Barzilai, is in danger of disqualification

Eurovision play 2018. The winner of the contest, the Israeli Netta Barzilai, is in danger of disqualification [19659004] In case of disqualification, the contest parts must be original Israel will no longer host the Eurovision 2019 edition, according to the rules of the competition.

On May 12, the representative of Israel, Netta, won the Eurovision Song Contest 2018, which was held in Lisbon, Portugal. Netta Barzilai, who played the kitschy pop song "Toy", received a
total of 529 points.

Two months later, Nettei's music producers received a letter from Universal Music, in which the artist is accused of plagiarism, namely a piece of the play "Toy"
is copied from the famous song "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes. According to information from the international press, one of the artist's producers has spoken with Universal
to reach an agreement amicably.

This year was the fourth time that Israel won the Eurovision Song Contest. The most recent took place in 1998, when Dana International became the first transgender artist to win the contest
Eurovision. Dana International also participated in this music competition in 2011, but failed to qualify for the finals.

Up to now, the organizer of Eurovision, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the largest public television association in Europe, has Made no statement about it.

The first edition of Eurovision took place in 1956, in Lugano, Switzerland. Uninterrupted broadcast for 63 years, the show has become one of the longest and most watched programs
the television of the world. ABBA, Julio Iglesias, Celine Dion and Johnny Logan are among the artists who have been on the Eurovision stage over the years.

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