EXCLUSIV Puciul of the Cluj era pregătit încă din iarnă. Cine le-arf luat locul him Petrescu si Copilu


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Mişcările făcute from CFR Cluj după înfrângerea cu Malmo, 0-1 from the administrative conductor to a celebrity, by May fi fst pregătite of May multă vreme. Iar Toni Conceicao May may be more difficult than the echipei, but it may be a matter of course for the future of the echipei ardelene. Iar dacă ar fi fost îndepărtat Dan Petrescu probabil că şi Marian Copilu who has made a strategic decision to adhere to CFR-ului titlul, ar fi plecat. Iar the Conductor came back Iuliu Mureşan

" Marian Copilu fost cel care to the deciziile decisive the club campionatul trecut ", confirmed Iuliu Mureşan ierarhia administrativă din 2017-2018.

Sezonul trecut, The CFR-ul has been intro- duced in his discussion of the case, and he has discussed the issue with the negotiator, who has learned how to deal with the problem. Petrescu has redefined the situation in the area and has managed to cope with it. Iar iimpreună au reuşit să caştige cel de-al patrulea titlu din istoria CFR-ului.

Joi, co-director Marian Copilu of the Cluj după o ceartă cuţite cu Ion Varga, bossul of fapt al CFR-ului, his produs despărţirea şi of Edi Iordănescu. The price of 400,000 euros has been paid to him in the case of Copilu, who has been forced to pay a fine fee in the past year, and has returned to the country, to the point of failure of the police. Iar schimbările to the radical fost: to the plecate Copilu, Mara şi Bilaşco, iar him Iordănescu ia fost plătită jumătate of clauza of 700.000 euro să renunţe the orice pretenţii .

The conducerea executivă returned Iuliu Mureşan, cel de care leagă toate celelalte performanţe ale clubului, 9 trofee, mai puţin titlul din 2017-2018, şi Supercupa from the startul acestui sezon.

                                            cfr cluj
                                            dan petrescu
                                            edi iordanescu
                                            antrenor cfr
                                            marian copilu
                                            ion varga
                                            schimbari the cfr

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