Facebook and Google employees could lose one of the coveted benefits for a totally unexpected reason


Free food available 24 hours a day at the company canteen is usually the first to mention when it comes to the many benefits that people working for giants such as Google or Facebook. But there is a small problem with such a practice: it affects the restaurant businesses around the campuses of these generous companies

The situation has attracted the attention of the authorities, and in the fall when the employees Facebook are moving into the new Village Village business office located in Mountain View, will notice the consequences of this concern. According to the Business Insider

Facebook can continue to pay its employees as long as they eat off campus

Mountain View authorities may impose conditions similar to Google when the company is in charge. business expands to North Bayshore

The ban could extend to San Francisco, which proposed a similar measure, namely a ban on building cafes. we in the business campus. However, this does not apply retrospectively, so business employees such as Google and Twitter can breathe easily.

Those who support the initiative say that the free food provided by the companies in their own canteens affects local restaurants and cafes. no reason to leave the office

The restaurants in the Mid-Market district of San Francisco, where Twitter is based in 2012, are among the most affected by this practice

"With free food offered, it is difficult to There is no competition for choice, no reason for employees to leave their office, maybe it's a very good social engineering tactic that forces employees to work for hours without ever leaving the office., but does not help much to support the city around them, "said Gwyneth Borden, executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association, one of the organizations that support [19659003] According to Harry Glaser, co-founder of the data visualization platform Periscope Data, technology industry employees usually live in a bubble, which prevents them from really knowing the city.

"I go to the office with a private bus, I get off the bus, I have lunch in the cafeteria, I come home with their bus and I order dinner with an application. So while living in a community, I do not involve myself in this community and I think it's a regrettable thing, "said Glaser for Business Insider.

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