Facebook at a crossroads. Mark Zuckerberg loses billions of dollars to try to save the company. Will it succeed?


In the evening of July 26, an American citizen residing in Silicon Valley, California, went to bed $ 16 billion, the largest amount of money lost by a mortal in a single day. 19659002] Facebook's shares collapsed on the stock market by 20%, losing a market capitalization of $ 120 billion. This is not related to an economic crisis, a black day on international trade or the beginning of a war, the collapse of Facebook is connected to Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg left money after the darkest day of his life. "

" We continue to invest heavily in safety and security: our systems have identified and eliminated thousands of accounts, pages and fake groups created in Mexican elections We have launched our own tool to make publicity about policies more transparent, including allowing users to see who targets any type of ad or political subject and how much they spend to promote the message

This is a higher standard of transparency than that used on television or in printed messages. "Beyond that, we now have 20,000 people working in the field of security and content review around the world.As we said in the latest quarterly updates, we are investing heavily in security as it will have a significant impact on profitability, "Mark Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page the day before the stock market crash

The Cambridge Analytics Scandal and Disclosure Caused by Disclosure the fact that democratic systems are attacked using the data of users of social networks have created a crisis of confidence 19459006 19459007 Aleksandr Kogan, Academician at the University orchestrated the data collection on Facebook, has already reported links to a Russian university, including having a teaching position and receiving grants (money) for stu the functioning of social media networks. Cambridge Analytica, a data company he worked with – which funded the project to transform tens of millions of Facebook profiles into political weapons – was approached by a major Russian Kremlin-related company, a thorough survey conducted by the daily newspaper British "The Guardian".

The fact that Russian representatives managed to influence the 2016 US election campaign, but also the Brexit rebellion, based on data collected illegally by Cambridge Analytica and other similar companies on the networks

Alexander Nix, the former president of Cambridge Analytica, used an application invented by Aleksandr Kogan to collect millions of data on Facebook users Wikipedia

Overnight, l & rsquo; Public opinion has realized that by using social networks, it delivers to third parties information (19659011) Facebook is undergoing a profound process of reform

All political crisis in the United States and Europe after the economic crisis of 2008, which has changed the culture and Western politics is based on the manipulation of personal data and the launch of campaigns Digital Targeting to Specific Groups to Compromise the Democratic System of Choice and Decision

"One of my top priorities for 2018 is to ensure that we prevent interference and misinformation during elections. These changes will not solve everything, but it will be much harder for a person or group to do what the Russians did during the 2016 election and to use fake accounts and pages to run ads. . I hope these changes will also enhance online advertising standards in the online environment, "Mark Zuckerber wrote on his website at the end of May, when he put in place the new political advertising criteria

. related to the measures implemented by the company under the direction of Mark Zuckerberg to protect the personal data of users, disrupt the sales process and provide information on the location, commercial and cultural information Facebook, as well as the removal of the largest Social network of all applications that collect user data, and add that any ad is accompanied by information to identify the entity that paid for this ad.

Businessmen and politicians lost undisclosed access to information and reacted with anger

Drama in decline as the price actions is explained by the fact that the business environment has reacted extremely negatively to taking these drastic measures. Traders have lost the "golden chicken" – the most important source of information on "customers" around the world.

Marc Zuckerberg was heard by the US Congress and the European Parliament. To confront the political system was the one that left traces. The Facebook boss did not have a choice and reformed the company, which at the beginning had a transformative role for human civilization by making sure that values, thoughts and information flow much faster , contributing decisively to reforming isolated societies, without access to education, to culture. Unfortunately, along the way, lofty goals were blurred by the fact that the network began to be used to spread the lie quickly and globally.

Social communication has reached a critical point. Investors will not be willing to pay as much and get less in terms of delivering the message, but also in terms of commercial efficiency. In addition, large amounts of money from the gray area of ​​the economy and used to manipulate public opinion will be directed to other media

Finally, for Facebook, the interest of users has become more important than the interest Announcers

On the other hand, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ are social platforms that have a major impact on the current democratic system. There are channels of communication that governments control much more difficultly, there are places where taxpayers learn almost in real time the behavior of elected officials, possible abuses or violations of the law, and this new standard of communication introduced by the platforms.

The changes made by Mark Zuckerberg are the first to be targeted in the interest of users, with the aim of protecting them and protecting them Facebook

Up to now , all the innovations of the largest social platform have been linked to advertisers, creating a system to monetize the interaction between users of social networks.

Mark Zuckerberg came out of this true era, with huge losses, but probably managed to save the most beloved and hated social platform. Whoever changed our lives

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