Facebook is working on satellites that will provide Internet across the Earth


Not only Google or SpaceX, but Facebook is also working on satellites or systems that will provide Internet across the Earth. In fact, it's a subsidiary of Facebook, PointView Tech, that would have built an experimental multi-million dollar satellite

It will provide Internet services on Earth since the orbit. The project was secretly kept for a while, but recently appeared in documents, although the company made no official statement.

Satellite-related technology known as "Athena" will transmit low-Earth-orbit data to rural areas around the world, where Internet connectivity is unavailable or limited. If all goes well, we could get 10 times faster than those offered by SpaceX Starlink.

Most likely, Facebook will launch its own satellite in early 2019. The company has tried its luck in satellite technology in the past. In 2016, for example, he attempted to launch an Internet satellite for parts of Africa, but he lost it when the SpaceX rocket exploded during a test

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