
  Facebook SCANDAL MILIARDE Conversations

Facebook is about to enter a new scandal similar to the one that was shot by Cambridge Analytica, but this time the name of the company at middle of the problem is Crimson Hexagon. According to Facebook, Crimson Hexagon's access to social networking APIs has been suspended after it was discovered that it has taken more than 1,000 billion conversations from various social networks

Facebook is only one of the socialization from which Crimson Hexagon extracts data, the big problem being that its customers include government agencies from different states of the world. Crimson Hexagon says that he has not taken the Facebook data available from the public accounts, but all the scandals up to now have shown that none of the companies that stole data took over just what was publicly available to everyone.

Facebook: SCANDAL New with MILIARDS of Conversations Averages

Facebook claims to have suspended the access of this company to its APIs as a measure for users, meanwhile it is doing an investigation to see what kind of Information they have been accessed by the Crimson Hexagon. Instagram is also part of the platforms that Crimson Hexagon has supported, so Facebook could have a very serious new problem in mind, but of course, everything is at the theoretical level.

"On Friday, July 20, the social network announced the suspension of Crimson Hexagon, a Boston-based data analytics company that claims to have more than 1 trillion consumer conversations aggregated to from social media, forums, blogs, reviews and other online sources.We do not allow developers to create monitoring tools from information from Facebook or Instagram.

Facebook is the target of anyone who wants to monitor people around the globe, and that's because there is information that allows people to know them about any kind of people in the world. Crimson Hexagon is only the last company to access Facebook's social network for years, but it will certainly not be the last one we will learn to monitor millions of people and sell data to various government agencies. 19659008] [ad_2]
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