Facebook, officially investigated by the FBI for leakage of information in the Cambridge Analytica scandal


Users stolen data was obtained from Facebook applications and Mark Zuckerberg had to give explanations to the US Congress to obtain personal information illegally obtained from 87 million people. ; users. He outlined Cambridge Analytica and promised that steps would be taken to prevent it from occurring.

Just as people thought the scandal was over, Facebook confirmed that the FBI was investigating it. by the US Department of Justice. Not only is the company under investigation, but Mark Zuckerberg must answer questions. Investigators want to know how well the company's employees were aware of Cambridge Analytica's actions.

The problems do not stop there. Facebook's stock price suffered from the official announcement of the survey, and fell 2.35% on Tuesday. "We are working closely with US and UK officials to clarify this situation as soon as possible," said one of Facebook's spokespersons, according to CNBC.

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