Finance Minister insists on recovering Iohannis rent for lost home, but not state


  House Iohannis
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Eugen Teodorovici insists that the tax must collect the money received by Klaus Iohhanis rents, after the appeal of Liviu Dragnea about it

The Romanian state must collect the Money received incorrectly by President Klaus Iohannis in the case of the building in the center of Sibiu, and this action is not a revenge, but an obligation that the law be applied, the Minister of Finance announced Wednesday that he had asked the Fiscal to apply for the registration of real estate in the land register, written . PSD President Liviu Dragnea sent last week to ANAF President Ionut Mişa and the Minister of Finance the question of whether they "will recover the hundreds of thousands of euros from President Iohannis "

The following day, Teodorovici said that President Iohannis should pay in the state the sum of more than 1.2 million lei collected from the rents of the building on street Nicolae Bălcescu number 29, in Sibiu, although the state does not yet own the real estate

Wednesday, the minister pointed out that this action was not a retaliatory measure and has asked the Fiscal to include the property in the land book. ] Read and

Klaus and Carmen Iohannis lost their home in the center of Sibiu. The first reaction of the presidency

"This is not a revenge, a revenge, it is an obligation to enforce the law. (…) Why ANAF has not done in recent years to recover money is another analysis and we will see.We asked ANAF to apply for the registration of real estate in the land register, and then there will be d & # 39; 39, other stages, "said Teodorovici to Antena 3.

He said that the period 2001-2015 was when President Iohannis would have received

Klaus Iohannis and his wife, Carmen Iohannis, definitely lost the house in the center of Sibiu, where a bank is based, in November 2015, following a decision of the Court of Justice Braşov appeal, after a process that lasted more than 16. [19659012] house Iohannis ” class=”img-responsive img-responsive article-picture”/>
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