First in Romania. The first support group for colorectal cancer patients has been created – Health> General Medicine


Patients with colorectal cancer can participate in a multidisciplinary support group (with oncologist, psychologist and nutritionist), the first of its kind in Romania. The group is created by FABC in partnership with the Oncological Institute "Al. I. Trestioreanu" University of Bucharest

Federation of Associations of Cancer Associations (FABC), in partnership with the Institute Oncology "Al. I. Trestioreanu" in Bucharest announces the creation of the first multidisciplinary support group, developed in a hospital, for patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

The main objective of this project is to facilitate dialogue and exchange of experiences between patients, colorectal cancer survivors and specialists in the field

The medical team participating in Group sessions is made up of two oncologists, a psychologist and a nutritionist. They will answer all patient questions, helping them better manage the impact of the disease in all its aspects.

The group meetings will be held at the Oncological Institute "Al.I. Trestioreanu" Bucharest, twice a month, in separate groups for women and men. Departure time is 3:30 pm, meetings last up to 3 hours and access is free.

Men: July 31, August 14, August 28, September 4, September 18
Women: July 30, August 13, August 27, September 3, September 17.

For more information about the support group, please contact psychologist Lidia Stoica: 0720655618.

Colorectal cancer is the second most common type of cancer in Europe in terms of mortality rate, responsible for About 230,000 deaths on our continent each year

In Romania, 10,256 patients are diagnosed each year with this form of cancer, while 5675 of them lose control of the disease.

Be aware that there are few cases where colorectal cancer is based on genetic inheritance. However, there are some symptoms that you should not ignore and use a medical examination. The following are the most common symptoms that indicate a problem in the large bowel:
– Abdominal Pain
– Anemia
– Chairs of Blood
– Black Chairs
– Allergies
– Altered Constipation by diarrhea

If you have found these symptoms, it is important to schedule a consultation to do more investigations on the recommendation of a specialist.

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