Flight report MH370. What the Malaysian authorities say


According to the report, the authorities claim to have found 27 pieces of what is believed to be the fuselage, although only three were officially confirmed

. "There is no evidence that MH370 was" Kok Soo Chon, leader of the investigation team, shows The Telegraph. "

Kok also shows that his team also investigated a system patented in 2006 by Boeing, which once activated, could take control of the aircraft, could land at an already established location, even if the pilot has the ability to control the aircraft.

The Maltese authorities also showed that the pilot of the MH370 was the first person to be the subject of an investigation during the investigation.The 53-year-old man, married and father of three children , was an experienced pilot with more than 18,000 flight hours.

The captain of the aircraft was not sick and was not under psychiatric treatment; personal life, n? did not use drugs and did not suffer from stress or anxiety. "This was a highly respected pilot," said Kok.

This Meanwhile, the Malaysian authorities also indicate that the possibility of "third-party" interference can not be ruled out

"We have established that the airways have come back from the road. The return was not caused by an anomaly in a mechanical system. This was done by the autopilot, but under manual control, "said Kok.

The report was produced in collaboration with investigative teams from Australia and the UK Kok Soo Chon also mentioned that it will not be the last report on MH370

The wreckage and body searches were stopped in the summer of 2018, four years after their departure. body was discovered

.The plane of Malaysia Airlines disappeared on March 8, 2014, over the Indian Ocean, after changing its flight path to Beijing. The plane took off from Kuala Lumpur, but after about an hour the pilots lost contact with the ground.

This disappearance is one of the greatest mysteries in the history of the world. Civil Aviation No trace of aircraft was found in the search area, which is approximately 120,000 km long. stopped and which was established in the South of the Indian Ocean, based on the satellite analysis of the possible trajectory of the aircraft

REFERRAL TO: Freedom Psychologist, about the cop who shot his mother, baby and then committed suicide: "It's either a depressing neurosis, post partum, or postpartum psychosis


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