Florentina Mirică, Marius Iacob and Cristian Lazăr, …


UPDATE: The Attorney General of the Criminal Investigation and Investigations Section of the Prosecutor General's Office, Prosecutor Cristian Lazar, presented his candidacy for the position of Attorney General of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) on Monday.

Cristian Lazar is the prosecutor who investigated the house of "House of Klaus Iohannis", but also on the record of the CIA prison on the territory of Romania. It is also he who, in 2015, ordered the non-prosecution of former Prime Minister Victor Ponta as a result of accusations of plagiarism.

UPDATE: Marius Iacob, Deputy Attorney General of DNA filed Monday, the last day, the application file of the Chief of DNA. Jacob began his career in 1994 as a prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office of the 6th District Court in charge of the cases of the deceased children at the Giulesti maternity ward, coordinated the DNA investigation in the "Collective" case, the cases Sorin Ovidiu Vantu and the Elodia Ghinescu case. Marius Iacob worked with Laura Codruta Kovesi and the Attorney General's Office as first deputy and as the District Attorney General (Delegate) – Criminal Investigation and Criminal Investigation Section.

"I have deserted my candidacy and I do not make any comment," said Marius Iacob at the exit of the Ministry of Justice

Marius Iacob, former MP for Laurea Codruta Kovesi at both l & rsquo; DNA and the Attorney General's two disciplinary actions triggered by the judicial inspection

In one of the cases, Jacob is accused by the judicial inspectorate of violating several provisions by delegating a chief prosecutor to Carmen Simona Ricu to represent the DNA in the civil to suspend the order by which the prosecutor Mihaiela Moraru Iorga was suspended from the DNA and would be heard in the disciplinary section of the prosecutors on September 5.

In the second case, Marius Iacob is disciplined Judicial Inspectorate with the former head of the DNA, Laura Codruta Kovesi, for "failure to abide by the obligation to abstain when his judge the court knows that there is one of the causes provided for by the law to abstain ", consisting in the fact that he conducted criminal proceedings without a declaration of abdication, although 39, he clearly found himself in the situation of incompatibility provided for by Article 64 (1) (f), with reference to Article 65 (1) and Article

Marius Iacob is Deputy Attorney General of DNA in June 2013.

Previously, Iacob headed the Criminal Investigation and Forensic Sciences section of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, and in June 2011 – October 1994 was the Deputy Attorney General from Romania

During the period 1994-1997, Jacob was prosecutor at the 6th District Court of then worked at the Bucharest Prosecutor's Office until 2003, when he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor, a post he held until 2006 with an interruption from 30 May 2005 to 20 February 2006, while he was director general of the National Prison Administration

Marius Iacob dealt with the case of the Giulesti Maternity fire coordinated the DNA investigation in the collective case, but also the case of Elodia Ghinescu

Florentina Mirică is a procuro very close to Laura Codruta Kovesi, but she has been involved in several scandals. She was the subject of an investigation by the Judicial Inspection because, in the case of Gabriel Oprea, she would inadvertently reveal the name of a witness with a protected identity.

Mirica investigated heavy DNA cases, Gabriel Oprea, but also the former head of "Two-and-a-quarter", Petre Tobă. Florentina Mirică Florentina Mirică had a spectacular career evolution after "pouring" the Attorney General of Public Prosecutions to Buftea's court of appeal, Nelu Carpen, with whom he was a colleague. He first made a courtesy visit to the DNA, where he recounted everything he knew about his boss, Nelu Carpen, who was later arrested with two lawyers. At that time Daniel Morar was at the head of DNA

Florentina Mirică, with Kovesi at the separation table

At the time, the Attorney General of Romania had seconded Florentina Mirică to the prosecutor's office at the Bucharest court. Then, once the Carpen case resolved, Daniel Morar asked the Attorney General of Romania, Laura Codruta Kovesi, to detach Florentina Mirica from the central structure of the DNA. But Kovesi rewarded her again, appointing her to head the anti-corruption service of the magistrates.

The selection to occupy the post of Chief DNA Prosecutor began on July 9, shortly after the announcement of the signing of the decree by President Klaus Iohannis for the dismissal of Laura Codruta Kovesi. Prosecutors may file applications for the vacant management mandate until Monday, including at the Department of Human Resources Department of Justice

Tudorel Toader, on the reasons for some candidates for DNA [19659019] Although only months can be filed, the Minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader, said that they were convinced that they would be candidates.

Asked, in an interview with Realitatea TV, about the lack of candidates for the direction of the DNA, the president of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Cristina Tarcea, said that she had afraid that nobody will register. She states that magistrates do not want leadership positions because such a position means an exposure from the point of view of the image and goes "in a messy political-media-social involvement."

"Pure judges and prosecutors and simply do not want leadership, let alone high-quality people (…) See what a driving function means – you're extremely exposed from the point of view of the role you play. image, many stories are mingled with your account, many stories, you put in you things you have not even dreamed of.Any man of common sense asks the question <>. I find this extremely damaging because management positions must be vertical people, people I know book, having an ascendant and professional, and moral and organizational on colleagues, and ideally, it would be that such messages include so many people which correspond to this need we will see, I fear that no one will enroll at the end, "said Cristina Tarcea on Thursday.

Requests to participate in the selection for the management of DNA must be accompanied by the proof of the respect of the conditions of seniority, a project on the exercise of the specific tasks of the function of management for which it participates in the selection, a curriculum vitae, at least ten documents written by the prosecutor in the departments where he has worked in the past five years and the last Valuation Report

The list of prosecutors responding the legal conditions for participation in the selection and scheduling of interviews will be posted on the premises of the Ministry of Justice and on the website of the institution on Tuesday 24 July and from 25 to 27 July the selected candidates would support interviews with the Minister of Justice. According to the announcement of the Ministry of Justice, the following criteria will be taken into account in the evaluation of the interview: support the project on the exercise of the specific functions of the management function, check the managerial and communicative skills, present the vision of the organization for the fulfillment of the constitutional attributions promote the general interests of society and the defense of the rule of law, as well as rights and freedoms citizens, present the vision of the office functions for which he / she participates in the selection of activities of prevention and fight against crime in general specific issues: organized crime, corruption, tax evasion, etc., verification of specific knowledge of the selection function and aspects of motivation, conduct, integrity and professional ethics, as well as other circumstances s resulting from the analysis of documents submitted by prosecutors participating in the selection.

The results of the selection will be announced on July 30, after which the Minister of Justice will submit to the Superior Council of the Judiciary – Prosecutor's Section his proposal / proposal for this post, accompanied by the documents submitted by the prosecutors selected for the appointment management duties, to issue the notice, and after the SCM has sent its notice, the Minister of Justice will send to the head of state his proposal for the position of chief prosecutor of the l & 39; ; DNA.

The CSM rejected the disciplinary measure filed by the judicial inspectorate against the DNA prosecutor Florentina Mirică

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