Florin Salam, the scandalous maneuver that led to the war …


Through videos posted on the Internet, the situation degenerated and members of the Corduneanu and Tanase clans threatened. The Copou villa of the Tanase family was hit with Molotov cocktails, wrote Ziarul de Iaşi. The tensions between the Corduneanu clan and the Constantin clan appeared a few weeks ago, as a result of a melody of the manelist Florin Salam. At an evening of George Boxing, the mailing list sang Costel Corduneanu, the leader of the clan of the same name in Iaşi, a song whose lyrics were very angry at those of the Constantine clan: "Let the Indians go , where Cordunians appear! "

War in Hell: A villa burned after Vandam's Facebook threats. Police are on alert in Iaşi

In a series of public videos, Jean Mărăraşu, nicknamed Brăileanu, criticizes Florin Salam for racism, and the poems of the poet offend Gypsies by their anology with the Indians [19659004"WhenyougotoCanadayousingtothegipsiestoBrailawhenyougoFlorineyousingtothegypsiestoGalaţiwhenyouleavefortheIndianstoConstanţaBucharesteverywheresingforusIwantliveit"HowdidyoucometotheconclusionthattheIndianshavedisappearedthatGypsieshavedisappeared?"saidJeanBrăileanuwhointurnsaid:HeaskedallthegypsiesofthecountrytoholdFlorjnSalamforresponsible

Interlop also said that he wanted Florin Salam to see the movie because "we are angry, we are Indians". Later, the interloper said that he had also spoken to Florin Salam and he explained that he had nothing to do with gypsies that he still likes.

After this video, the morning of Saturday, July 28, a man with a hood on his face thrown with burnt bottles to the Tănase family. The Molotov cocktail did not burn and no damage was recorded. On the spot, however, police and firefighters arrived. Judicial sources indicated that searches were also carried out, with several bats, swords, etc. Sources in the underworld have specified that members of the Constantin clan are now seeking revenge

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