For Trump, the EU countries "look beautiful, but I am hard" – International


On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump defended the imposition of tariffs on major trading partners of the United States, noting in particular how the European Union benefited from this situation
"C & ## "It's amazing what the EU is doing (…) EU states look good, but they are tough," he said in Kansas City, Missouri, on the eve of his meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker

"Everybody comes to see me White", he added, reiterating his will of firmness, according to Rador, quoting Le Vif. [19659003] A little earlier, in a series of tweets, he defends for a long time his approach (19459007) "Tariffs are the best!" If a country that treated the United States unfairly (…) negotiates a fair deal , or is subject to tariffs Nothing more simple "he posted on Twitter.

"Everything will be fine," he continued.

He quipped "the countries that have treated us badly for years in terms of trade" and "who come to Washington to negotiate" he added, "Better late than never!"

White House threatens imports of European cars with import duties, which would inevitably provoke a strike in Brussels if they came into force. To defend its German car industry, Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared herself "ready" to negotiate a general tariff reduction with the United States

Starting in June, Washington applies punitive tariffs for all imports of goods. 39, steel and aluminum. Europeans countered by taxing US flagship products. For several months, Donald Trump has attacked major US commercial rivals, starting with Beijing and the European Union. He also imposed the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in effect since 1994 between the United States, Canada and Mexico.

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