Fornite is free, but he has already made a billion dollars. How did he succeed?


If it was not already obvious, Fortnite is the most popular game of the moment. He has managed to attract tens of millions of players. It was also not a generous reward for the manufacturer Epic Games.

Since the game's release in October 2017, Fortnite has earned an incredible billion dollars, according to research firm SuperData.

How did Epic Games win money when the game is free? Simple selling virtual items. People spent more, others less, money for costumes for their characters, their sails and other virtual things to get them out of anonymity. In fact, one of the most popular purchases are the emotions, that is, the dances that your character can do.

Epic Games will not stop there because it plans to launch skins and implement the possibility for players to play and give gifts. In fact, Funko, one of the world's most popular toy manufacturers, will be released soon.

The same SuperData report shows the popularity explosion of the kind of Battle Royale game popularized by PUBG and H1Z1.

Fortnite appeared later in the scene, but he stole the attention of the players and is now the most played of all the shooters of the royal battle. In May, players saw 700 million hours of royal battle, and 83% of those hours spent on Fortnite

Why is Fortnite so popular?

The game is very accessible, being present on almost all platforms (PC, MacOS, iOS, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch), it is just missing the Android version. Second, it's a fun game that's not hard to learn and that can be played by anyone. It also helps to have a fun and playful graphics that does not require a lot of system resources

Last but not least, Epic Games brings constant updates to the game, stories and new items to keep players on

The influence of the game on the industry is clear and other games are starting to adopt the royal battle battle mode, hoping for similar success. Two of the most important shooting games, Call of Duty and Battlefield, have incorporated such multiplayer modes for games that will be released in the fall

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