Four candidates for the chief of the DNA. What Minister Tudorel says …


UPDATE Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said Monday that he was expecting more candidates for the position of Attorney General of the National Directorate of Fighting Corruption

. "There was a fear, a debate, we will have candidates, it's a form of reserve, retention of potential candidates for the head of the DNA, and we see that on the contrary, four candidates were registered today, of course, the experienced people no longer know if they are positive, negative.I was expecting more applicants: prosecutors know better the need for reform of DNA, what happens to the DNA and the need for a return to normality, the need to bring back prosecutors and the institution as a whole to interpret the legal penal norm in the parameters of the law, in the constitutional parameters " Toader declared to Romania TV .

He also stated that the procedure is not final

"There is a problem we have four candidates, but that does not mean that we have to designate one of the four. the procedural plan, do not rule out the option, where the Commission does not stop at one of the candidates, but resumes the procedure, we announce the period of registration, of selection, that is to say, we take it from the start. (…) Do you know the Romanian word: you can run alone and come out in second place, there are four, but that does not mean that we have to select one " says Toader.

According to him, the position of chief DNA attorney is not a leader, "The great responsibility that the appointee will assume."

The Minister of Justice has listed some steps that the future chief of DNA will have to take.

"My opinion is that first make an evaluation of DNA, with good, with its ills, other than what I did.The new laws of justice come and must place DNA in the parameters of the laws of justice.We do not have an attorney of the prosecutor's office near the high court directly to the central structure of DNA.What is the Attorney General must do more so that all those who work in the DNA are responsible, that they are prosecutors, experts, auxiliaries.The law of justice is the responsibility of I do not want the magistrates to answer, that they make mistakes to answer, but they also have to make sure that, if they are wrong, they make mistakes, and they are likely to 39; be legally responsible. (…) The prosecutor must be in good faith, to apply the law in good faith, " Toader said.

asked if he will consult with President Klaus Iohannis about the appointment of the head of the DNA, Toader said: "The decision of the Constitutional Court says, somewhere in a paragraph, urges the Minister of Justice and the President to have an institutional dialogue, an ongoing dialogue, a fair dialogue, to find the best solutions to the rule of law,


The Ministry of Justice announced the names of candidates for the post of Chief DNA Prosecutor, Florentina Mirica, Head of the Department of Anti-Corruption Justice of DNA, Deputy Attorney General of DNA Marius Iacob, Elena Grecu, Chief of the criminal investigation section on DNA, and the prosecutor Cristian Lazar, deputy of the Criminal Investigations Section

All requests to the Chief of DNA were filed Monday, the last day that the records could be filed.


Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said that four prosecutors had requested DNA as head of office on Tuesday to verify compliance with the conditions.

Asked which of the four prosecutors are more likely to hold the position of chief of DNA, the minister replied: "Everyone is precious."

The selection for the position of chief DNA prosecutor began on July 9, shortly after the announcement of the signing of the decree by President Klaus Iohannis for the dismissal of Laura Codruta Kovesi .

The list of prosecutors who fulfill the legal requirements to participate in the selection and scheduling of interviews will be posted at the Ministry of Justice and on the website of the institution on Tuesday 24 July and 25 July 27, successful candidates will participate in the talks with the Minister of Justice. According to the announcement of the Department of Justice, the following criteria will be taken into account in the evaluation of the interview: support the project concerning the exercise of the specific functions of the management function, check the managerial and communication skills, present the vision of the organization constitutional principles to promote the general interests of society and the defense of the rule of law, as well as the rights and freedoms of citizens, the presentation of the vision of the functions of the office for which it participates in the selection in terms of coordination of crime prevention and crime prevention activities in general and specific phenomena such as organized crime, corruption, tax evasion, etc., verification specific knowledge of the selection function and aspects of motivation, conduct, integrity and professional ethics, such as and other circo from the analysis of the documents submitted by the prosecutors participating in the selection.

The results of the selection will be announced on July 30, after which the Minister of Justice will submit to the Superior Council of the Judiciary – Prosecutor's Section his proposal / proposal for this post, together with the documents submitted by the prosecutors selected for the appointment management duties, to issue the notice, and after the SCM has sent its notice, the Minister of Justice will send to the head of state his proposal for the position of chief prosecutor of the l & 39; ; DNA.

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