France bans smart phones in schools


The ban on smart phones as well as other types of Internet-connected devices such as tablets is applied to students aged 3 to 15 years and was passed Monday by lawmakers. French schools with students over 15 will be able to choose to ban smart phones

"We know that there is a phenomenon of dependence on the screen … Our main role is to protect children and adolescents. It's a fundamental role in education, and this law allows it, "said Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer

which is part of President Emmanuel's package of election promises. Macron.

Opposition members abstained from voting, claiming that such a law was not relevant because there is already one time in 2010 that n & # 39; 39, uses no phones in the school. "In fact, the ban has already been made. I do not know any teacher in this country to allow the use of phones in the classroom, "said Alexis Corbière, a leftist deputy.

The law passed in 2010 banned the use of smartphones" throughout the teaching. "

The new law provides exceptions for students with disabilities during extracurricular activities and for" educational use. "

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