France: investigation after a Macron employee filmed aggressive protesters


French justice announced on Thursday the opening of a preliminary investigation after having released footage showing how a collaborator of President Emmanuel Macron strikes a protester on May 1, images that sparked a surge in media coverage. indignation on the French political scene, AFP report, dpa and Reuters

In an article published Wednesday evening and accompanied by a video, the daily Le Monde revealed that a member of the presidential administration, Alexander Benalla, equipped with a police cap, assaulted A young man and a young man at a demonstration on May 1.

Taha Bouhafs, a radical leftist activist who shot the scene, told South Radio that the man he thought was a policeman "caught a girl" and then a young demon who was Hit "several times in the back and in the head". "

According to Le Monde, Macron's office director, Patrick Strzoda, said that Benalla had asked" to observe "the maintenance of the order of 1 and the request was accepted. , Strzoda suspended Benalla for two weeks, but did not report to justice.

On Thursday, the Paris Public Prosecutor announced the opening of a preliminary investigation into violence and violence. Usurpation of positions and signs reserved for public authorities Gerard Collomb specified that a parallel investigation of the General Inspectorate of Police would be launched to establish "the circumstances in which the facts were committed"

Former member of the Conservative and gendarme of the former socialist Francois Hollande Benalla was dismissed for professional reasons by former Socialist Prime Minister Arnaud Montebourg to return to Macron's custody in the presidential campaign After the last year's election, he becomes "mission officer" at the Elysée and deputy chief of staff of President François Xavier Lauch.

Interrogated during a visit to southwestern France if the "republic suffers" President Macron responded laconically, stressing that "the republic can not be affected."

For his part, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe described the images as "absolutely shocking", noting that the question is "in the hands of justice"

The case aroused reactions throughout the world. The political team, and even a deputy from the presidential party, The Republic on the Move (LREM), Laurent Saint Martin, felt that Benalla would no longer have to work at the Elysee. (LR, right), Laurent Wauquiez, wondered if there had been "maneuvers to cover" the case, and Prime Minister of the Socialist Party (PS), Oli Faure vieru, appreciated that the reaction of the presidential administration has created "the feeling that there are two measures", one for the president and one for the common French


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