French President Emmanuel Macron sees Europe in three circles over the next 10-15 years – International


French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday in Lisbon that he envisioned a Europe built in three circles over the next 10-15 years, France being called to be among the most integrated countries, the "heart" of the reactor ", informs Agerpres,

Asked about his vision of Europe during a" citizen consultation ", the head of the French state, just like the Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, appreciated that European (continental) architecture is evolving in the coming years.

"I see a wide circle that can go beyond the 27th, something between the European Union and the current Council of Europe", which will form a "wider, less integrated Europe than the EU but very demanding of its values ​​"he said. This circle will count within or through close association agreements on Turkey and Russia because "if we want peace, we must stabilize these two powers," said the head of the Elysee.

The second circle will no doubt be somewhere between the current European Union and the euro zone, according to Macron.

The third circle will be the "core of the reactor" with a common currency, a more integrated labor market "and a" true social convergence ".

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