Gabriel Oprea, after the publication of the Gigin File Stenographies: "It does not refer to the evening of the accident"


<img alt = "Gabriel Oprea, following the publication of the Gigin Dossier Stenographies:" Do not arrive at the Night's Night "" title = "Gabriel Oprea, after publication of the Gigin File Stenograms:" Does not refer to the evening of the accident "" src = "https:

Gabriel Oprea, after the publication of the Gigen File Stenograms:" It does not refer to the evening of the accident "

Gabriel Oprea reacted on his Facebook page, after the press release of the Gigin File Stenographs, Bogdan Gigin died in a motorcycle accident by opening the minister's official column . ]

"With regard to the transcripts in the press relating to the accident file of October 20, 2015, I make the following particulars, which I consider necessary for a correct public opinion: The press data of these transcripts do not refer to the time of the accident, it does not show the date on which the messages presented were recorded, and the file does not specify who is the respective dialogue. Published transcripts contain and the dialogue that they may contain may be explained by the traffic police.

As shown in the indictment, the speed of my car at the time of l '. accident was 58 km / h, falling at legal speed.Throughout the trip, the speed was 60 Km / h, as is also the case with the indictment. A higher speed would not have been justified because there was no This is a reason to hurry up. It appears from the indictment that the officer was ordered to withdraw from the aircraft because it was possible to start to rain and to refuse. As it turned out that all the police officers of the device sent them through the communication system that they follow the tracks with the pit on the road of Ştirbei and confirmed. It 's also in the indictment that these sites were not properly marked, that the distance of the indicators was not respected and that they were not. were not reflective.

Again, I did not ask, verbally or by written order, to accompany the escort scheme. We did not determine the presence of a motorcycle police officer in the aircraft, nor the speed of the aircraft or the motorcycle. As I have already said, I noticed the presence of a biker in the aircraft while I was acting. The protection and escort scheme is legally based on a written order – the action plan of the road brigade – approved by Questor Marius Voicu, chief of traffic police and police of the capital. Questions regarding the organization, composition and operation of the aircraft may be directed to the traffic police, who are responsible for these matters. Although the Senate rightly rejected, because I am innocent, the demand for criminal prosecution, I resigned from Parliament and made myself available to Justice.

Rejecting categorically any association of stenograms presented today in the press with the movement in which the accident occurred, "writes Gabriel Oprea on his Facebook page

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