Gabriel Vlase resigned Thursday as vice-president and vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies


Gabriel Vlase resigned as vice-president and vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies on Thursday, the resignation being predictable in the context of his validation Wednesday as director of the Foreign Intelligence Service

  Gabriel Vlase resigned deputy and Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies

Gabriel Vlase resigned from his post of Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Thursday

"I, Petru Gabriel Vlase, resigned from his position as Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies The Chamber of Deputies, in view of my appointment as Director of the Service
Foreign information ", stipulates the request submitted to the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea.

PSD deputy Gabriel Vlase was validated by the plenum of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate at the headquarters of the SIE on Wednesday. There were 341 votes in favor and 31 against.

He will take the oath as director of the Foreign Intelligence Service on Thursday at 1 pm at the Cotroceni Palace, announced Wednesday the Presidential Administration.

Gabriel Vlase received a favorable opinion on Monday for the post of director of the Foreign Intelligence Service on the SIE's supervisory committee.

"I can not say that I have major goals in that radical changes have to be made since the second day, there are situations that have dragged on for years to harmonize legislation. .
because the law is old enough, and the law is 20 years after the introduction of the law 1. Exactly 20 years are. Meanwhile, Romania has become a member of NATO with responsibilities
The European area and in the North Atlantic area. First, the question of harmonization of legislation. Second, the specific situations in the device, because and there are problems in this
said Gabriel Vlase, after hearing in the service of inspection of the Information Service
Externally, explaining what his objectives will be at the head of the SIE.

President Klaus Iohannis, on June 14, sent a letter to the Speakers of both Houses of Parliament in which he proposes to be appointed Director of the Intelligence Service.
Foreign of Petru-Gabriel Vlase.

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