Gabriela Firea, about the r …


The mayor of Bucharest, Gabriela Firea, declares that upon returning from the holidays, the fact that the request of the Romanian Federation of Everywhere to organize a rally on Victoria Square on August 10 was rejected, the reason given According to the figures submitted by the organizers, one million participants would seriously disrupt the activity and free movement in Bucharest. Firea said that the municipality "does not intend to impede public demonstrations in any way, but asks the organizers to explicitly assume the respect of the law" and to respect limits reasonable in terms of the number of participants, in which there will be no reason not to allow the demonstration. The mayor of Bucharest also claims that the PSD also had the intention of organizing a rally involving a million people, but after discussions with the institutions involved in the maintenance of public order, he was decided to resize, so there were 380,000 – 400,000 participants,

She asserts that at the PSD rally on June 9, which was discussed in this context, in the public space, the number of participants declared by the organizers on Victoriei Square was 250,000, and in the peak of the event was 380,000 to 400,000 people occupying Victoria Square as well as adjacent streets

According to Gabriele Firea, the PSD initially intended to organize a gathering of one million people. , but after discussions with institutions involved in the maintenance of public order and management situations "

Gabriela Firea also argues that the mayor does not intend to do so. impede public demonstrations in any way, but calls on the organizers to "explicitly assume that the event is in accordance with the specificities and the capacity of the area concerned" to respect the law and to size its actions so as not to jeopardize the safety of the participants or other citizens. "

" I call at the end of the charges and offenses committed in the public space for me and for the mayor, it does not There is no reason why an entity should be harmed by irreversible action by the authorities.The law and the rules are the same for all, and they do not apply the "shouting loudest" principle. Democracy means respecting the freedoms of citizens as long as they do not violate the freedoms of others. accused, without knowing the facts and the law or, more seriously, by knowing them but by knowingly ignoring them, only for ephemeral gains in the plan of the image ", adds the mayor of the capital., come from as Italy, Britain, Spain or Germany, mobilized on Facebook and announced that they will organize an anti-government rally on the Victory Square in Bucharest on August 10, where a million participants are expected

from the diaspora have made it clear that the protest would take place anyway, even in the absence of permission, because they learned to obtain a protest authorization from 1989.

"We would like to ask the eminent leaders of the nation and the country if we can present the position of this committee regarding the demonstration organized by the PSD on June 9, 2018. Why do they Why? did not fall under the same article in the law? However, we do not complain about mercy, we know clearly what we have to do, we have learned from beautiful people how to get a license for such a demonstration since 1989. Why are you afraid, do not escape not! .

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