Ganea rushed and asked for the "Second Revolution"!


Ionel Ganea rushed after the players of ACS Poli Timisoara did not receive permission to use the training base

"We do not we can not run our business in mediocre conditions, we are naked. "

" You can not beat some of the younger players, get out the players and move them on the heels and watch this team dismantle it. "I can not do my work in such conditions, we are not amateurs here, we are professional, why did the league team 1 not make such decisions? "The world should wake up as if I thought a little bit here began the revolution. "Now the second revolution should begin," he added.

Ionel Ganea, called this summer coach of ACS Poli Timisoara, intends

See also:

  • The County Council has decided that the ACS Poli Timisoara could no longer use the locker rooms and the stadium offices of the team

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