German Ambassador on Justice Reform: We want to keep Romania concentrated, so as not to deviate


The Ambassador of Germany to Bucharest, Cord Meier-Klodt, said Saturday at the Ramsov Film Festival and History Day on the reform of the judiciary that partner states strive to keep Romania concentrated

<img alt = "The image of the German ambassador on the reform of justice: We want to keep Romania focused, not to deviate [19659002] <img alt = "Germany's ambassador, justice reform: We want to keep Romania focused," I would like to make a remark on a topic of interest for a year and a half for Romanian society and for politicians, namely the reform of justice.With all our efforts, all three and many of our other partners, we try to contribute, say that they did it perfectly, but we try to keep Romania focused, so as not to deviate from these not only Romania but has ussi of Europe as a whole: build by compromise, look for a common denominator. None of us has considered the demands of this judicial reform as black or white. Obviously, it was necessary (judicial reform -nr) because it was required by the Constitutional Court and the expectations of Europe, "said the German ambassador in Romania, Cord Meier-Klodt, at the debate "Where is the place of Romania? "Râşnov film and history, where the French ambassador to Bucharest Michele Ramis and the American ambassador to Romania, Hans Klemm

The German official also spoke about the differences between the two countries in the case of 39, abuse of service, adding that Germany, with the United States and France, will do everything possible to help our country to make progress in the reform of the judicial system because all Member States want Romania to obtain a successful mandate during the EU Council Presidency

"By comparing our justice systems, you can see that the abuses in the service are very different in Germany. In Romania, things that come under sentence are in a disciplinary context. This is not an area that I want to detail, but I wanted to mention it in the context because, from now on, we will do our best so that Romania takes steps to polarize this subject, because it will follow Important, fundamental, or even the most obvious topics, is that of taking the presidency of the Council of the EU. My country is determined, with our wonderful partners, France and the United States, to offer our help to make this presidency a success. This is not such an altruistic gesture, because the success of Romania will be our success and that of Europe. This is our goal, "adds Cord Meier-Klodt.

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