Germany: Two homeless people injured in a Berlin train station after a man fired – International


Two homeless people were badly burned after a man who could not be identified splashed them with flammable liquid and then set them on fire in a German capital, Berlin, according to the daily El Mundo , quoted by Mediafax

The victims are two men aged 47 and 62 who were transported to the hospital following the attack in Schoeneweide, southeast of Berlin, on Sunday night until late. see you Monday.

The German newspapers Bild and Berliner announced that several passers-by fired the flame with a fire extinguisher from a nearby restaurant

The reason for the attack is unknown, but the authorities have opened a murder attempt investigation

This attack is reminiscent of another attack that occurred in December 2016, and a man sleeping on the street was also burned. A group of young people tried to send him back on Christmas Eve to a Berlin train station, but passersby managed to save her.

The main perpetrator of this attack was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison, and his three accomplices were sanctioned by eight months of parole.

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